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25 February 2021
Protect the environment
21 September 2021On Earth day or Earth day, our planet and its importance are celebrated. It was established on April 22, 1970 to emphasize the need for the conservation and safeguarding of the Earth’s natural resources. The United Nations celebrate this anniversary every year, one month and two days after the spring equinox, on 22 April.
The objective of this event is to highlight the problems that threaten the social fabric, such as discrimination and poverty, to establish a new standard of progress that emphasizes the quality of life and the value of human dignity, rather than production. of consumer goods.
The establishment of World Earth Day is owed to John McConnell, a peace activist who also turned his interests to ecology. McConnell, argued that men had an obligation to care for the land and share the resources it has to offer in an equitable manner. In October 1969, during the UNESCO Conference in San Francisco, McConnell proposed a day to celebrate the life and beauty of the Earth and to promote peace. For him, the celebration of life on Earth also meant warning all men of the need to preserve and renew the threatened ecological balance on which all life on our planet depends.
The proposal, in fact, gained strong support and the first celebration of Earth Day was carried out, on March 21, 1970. The proclamation of Earth Day formalized, with a list of precise principles and responsibilities, a commitment to take care of the Planet.
A month later, on April 22, 1970, the definitive “Earth Day – Earth Day” was set up by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson, as a purely ecological event.